Product Sourcing Agent

Our streamlined sourcing agent model is designed to facilitate efficient product sourcing, allowing you to concentrate on the growth and development of your core business activities.

Supplier Management

We offer expertise in both nurturing existing supplier relationships and identifying new suppliers to meet your production demands, serving as your local purchasing office in Vietnam.

Factory Tour

We serve as your on-the-ground tour guide, facilitating smooth visits to manufacturers, wholesale markets, and trade fairs, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Market insight reports

Before taking the initial step into the Vietnam market, we provide our clients with detailed analyses of specific areas, business sectors, trends, and other crucial factors to ensure informed decision-making.

Company formation

Our incorporation team will help you streamline the process of establishing your business legally, handling all necessary registrations, paperwork, and compliance requirements.

HR & Accounting Solutions

We collaborate with trusted partners to offer tailored HR and Accounting services, designed to meet the unique requirements of entrepreneurs and SMEs.

How can our assistance benefit you?

With years of experience and a network of on-ground experts, our team can support you at every step of your project in Asia.

Overcome language barriers with our consulting and done-for-you services from incorporation setup, sourcing products and tailored market entry analysis.

Experience seamless progress, avoiding common pitfalls, and achieving your goals faster.

Why should we look to Asia?

« The Asian century is about to begin ». All macroeconomic experts agree on this fact: Europe will continue to stagnate. Or at least, growth, prosperity and opportunities will be harder to seize in Europe. On the other side of the globe in Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.) GDP has increased by an average of +7% in recent years, opportunities are everywhere and even in the complicated year 2020, Vietnam has experienced positive growth. Diversifying assets is one of the main priorities that everyone should focus on.

Business and investment opportunities

Governments have huge debts, pension plans will remain unpaid, stock markets are overvalued and everyone is expecting an economic collapse in the upcoming years. Investing in a frontier market in Asia can help you to skip the next recession. How can you as a millennial, business owner or investor take steps to get through this crisis and perhaps even benefit financially? Relocating yourself to Asia or at least getting exposure through investment and business vehicules can help you to thrive in the next years.

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